Harish Narayanan is a trained computational scientist who has recently decided to make his way in the world by developing delightful web-based technology for enhancing education.

Harish Narayanan

Now featuring shorter hair!

Brief bio

Dr. Narayanan received his joint doctorate degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Scientific Computing Program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in late 2007. From 2008 to late 2012, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Center for Biomedical Computing at Simula Research Laboratory, Norway. In this time, his research and education activities generally revolved around:

  • Using continuum physics theory to model biological phenomena, and
  • Devising and implementing robust numerical methods for solving equations arising from the theory.

Today, Dr. Narayanan spends nearly all his time designing, building and evangelising Mechanics Academy, a web app that uses interactive, application-relevant simulations to motivate students to learn advanced topics in mechanics, applied mathematics and scientific computing.

You can learn about his research work, technical projects and more by navigating this site. Much of this information is also available on his CV or, in condensed form, on his resumé.

Contact info

Internet mail icon E-mail: mail at harishnarayanan dot org
Twitter: @copingbear
Phone: +47-400-34-801
Website: https://harishnarayanan.org/