Contact info

Internet mail icon E-mail: mail at harishnarayanan dot org
Twitter: @copingbear
Phone: +47-400-34-801

A blanket disclaimer

The content of these web pages does not reflect the views of my employer, and is provided “as is,” without any warranty of any kind.

Copyright notice and site usage

All rights, including copyright, in the content of these web pages are owned or controlled for these purposes by Harish Narayanan. In accessing these web pages, you agree that you may only download the content for your own personal, non-commercial use; except where expressly stated otherwise.

In particular:

  • These pages use icons from the Tango Desktop Project. You are free to use these icons in accordance with their original license.
  • The project releases contained in /files/projects/ are governed by their respective licenses.
  • The design used for this website is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). If you like it, feel free to download and use the template (XHTML, CSS and layout graphics) on your own website in accordance with the GPL.

Site source and revision history

If you are curious about how this website is implemented, you might be interested in going through its source. You can also keep up to date with recent changes to the site by monitoring its change log.