Our media centre machine at home is an aging Mac with only one open port: SSH. Since it was getting annoying to have to walk up to it every time we wanted to control Spotify, I wrote a simple Bash/Apple script that allows us to remotely control the program from other machines around the house (via SSH).

With it, we can now do this:

megatr0n$ spotify ------------------------------------ A command-line interface for Spotify ------------------------------------ Usage: spotify <option> Options: status = Shows Spotify's status, current track details. play = Start playing Spotify. pause = Pause Spotify. next = Go to the next track. prev = Go to the previous track. vol up = Increase Spotify's volume by 10% vol down = Increase Spotify's volume by 10% vol # = Set Spotify's volume to # [0-100] quit = Quit Spotify. megatr0n$ spotify play Playing Spotify. megatr0n$ spotify status Spotify is currently playing. Artist: Kanye West Album: Late Registration Track: Gold Digger megatr0n$ spotify vol up Changing Spotify volume level. megatr0n$ spotify pause Pausing Spotify. megatr0n$ spotify status Spotify is currently paused. megatr0n$ spotify play Playing Spotify. megatr0n$ spotify prev Going to previous track. megatr0n$ spotify status Spotify is currently playing. Artist: Cream Album: Disreali Gears Track: Tales Of Brave Ulysses megatr0n$ spotify quit Quitting Spotify.

Download the script, and you can too!

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